Riding "The Alps" of Los Angeles
Globally there are only a handful of places where you can start at or near sea level and then ride your bike up long and twisty roads that peak out well above 6,000 feet. Crystal Lake on Highway 39, just outside of Los Angeles, California is one of them. With immaculate road surfaces, limited vehicle traffic, and an epic mountain route that emulates prestigious roads from European Grand Tours it is a ride that never disappoints.
With weather beginning to turn we headed out to make one last effort up this epic climb before the first snow fall.
Up it Goes!
The grades on this road are not so steep that you require super human strength but allow you to dictate a comfortable pace. Once settled into a nice tempo you can enjoy the epic scenery around you.
What goes up must come down!
With this route being an out and back, we took a moment at the top to soak it all in then headed down one of the most rewarding descents around.

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